Just back from Scotland with more than I bargained for – flu! I spent all week up there nursing my ill family only to bring it back down here with me to infect the south! But it was well worth it, just being with them. I visited Dawyck Gardens (part of Edinburgh Botanical Gardens) which is very near our daughter; the snowdrops there are magnificent and if ever you have the chance to go it is lovely. Their cafe is the best too!
We have definitely decided to hold a Daffodil weekend on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th March rather than just Daffodil Sunday. People now have the choice to visit on either day (see the page on our website). Hopefully the Sunday will be a beautiful day and children (of all ages!) will be able to bring their mothers for a day out on Mothering Sunday. We will again be having the Barbecue and the Treasure Hunt, both new and very popular on Snowdrop Weekend.

We thoroughly enjoyed watching last Sunday’s instalment (the last from Hartland Abbey) of the BBC Antiques Roadshow. It brought back memories of last summer and all the work putting on the Roadshow but the immense pleasure, at the end of the day, of over 3,000 people coming with so many fascinating objects. We were so busy at the time that we never saw much of the filming except at the very end of the day. Thank goodness I didn’t see the tooth extractor, I think I would have fainted on the spot but I wish I had seen the cuckoo clock!
We have got one remaining available week left at Blackpool Mill Cottage in the summer on Friday 8th June, due to a cancellation; there are September dates too. All the details are on our holiday cottages page of the website.

I promised to put up photographs of our first Treasure Hunt prizewinners and here they are! Congratulations to Emma and Harry (Saturday) and Will and Callum (Sunday). Thanks to all who came and please come to our Daffodil weekend too! Angela Stucley
PS I still haven’t worked out how to textwrap this so I am sorry if it looks rather odd but I didn’t want to disappoint the children!